Pharma Focus Asia

Previous Issue - Issue 21


Issue 21 | 2014

Issue 21



The Six Great Shifts

Transforming the pharma industry

Many languages have an equivalent to the expression Seeing the forest for the trees meaning the ability to discern the big picture from little details That ability is important in life but especially true for leaders of life sciences sector Every day we are bombarded with news of innovative technology tighter regulation and new approaches to contro...

Creating and Sustaining Cultural Change by Focusing on Operational Excellence

Over the past decade the importance of Operational Excellence OPEX in the pharmaceutical industry has grown significantly A mere copy and paste from successful automotive excellence programmes does not work for the pharmaceutical structural requirements in the long run Friedli et al This has been realised by most of the pharma companies in the pas...


The patent landscape

Additive manufacturing or D printing as known more widely is revolutionising the manufacture and distribution of products With the expirations of the basic additive manufacturing patents anyone can purchase an inexpensive printer and replicate products But these products are often protected by various forms of intellectual property laws

Research & Development

Rethinking Drug Discovery

Drug discovery is a tough business At the same time it is the domain that provides an opportunity to improve the quality of human health and allows recovering from the suffering due to various biological disordersIn the past decades we have witnessed a major limitation in creating the nextgeneration drugs despite a significant boost in the fina...


Validation Projects in China

Between and Pharmadule built a number of pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities in China for both domestic manufacturers and multinational pharmaceutical companies including Eli Lilly and AstraZeneca The multinational companies required GMP compliance and validation services comparable to the level that exist today The facilities delivered for C...

Information Technology

Quality by Design

A rapid and systemic approach for pharmaceutical analysis

Quality by design QbD is defined in ICH Q R guidelines as a systematic approach to pharmaceutical development starting with predefined objectives with an emphasis on product and process understanding control Within the pharmaceutical industry there is increasing discussion about the principles of QbD analytical methods For many years analysts used...
